Are you or a loved one on a waiting list for Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)? Do you have an experience with your state’s HCBS program and/or waiting list? We want to hear from you! Fill out the form below to share your story with us. 

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Tennessee Waiting List:


Across the South, over half a million people with intellectual and developmental disabilities have been on waiting lists for years to receive Medicaid waivers for home and community-based services (HCBS). In Tennessee, over 4,573 people currently sit on the waiting list for NOW/COMP waivers, and that doesn’t include the many thousands who don’t apply for waivers because they know they’ll be waiting for years. The people on these waiting lists span from children to adults, and it has caused devastating life challenges for most of them. Some adults have been forced to live in institutions and nursing homes as they wait for years to receive the care they need in their own homes, and parents of children on the waiting lists haven’t been able to get jobs because they have to care for their children full time. Additionally, many have to pay thousands of dollars out of pocket for whatever care they can get as they wait for this life-saving support.

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